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Portable Infrared Saunas

Infrared Saunas
To Suit every lifestyle.

Our new infrared sauna has medical grade chromotherapy lights which harness different colours for their health benefits.
From calming inflammation to skin-clearing benefits - a variety of colours will add even more health benefits to your sauna session.
Infrared Sauna for Single Person Sauna Bath

Pixel 01: Infrared Saunas Room For Single Person Sauna Bath

Pixel 01: Infrared saunas are the ONLY natural, healthy way to burn calories without exercising. Infrared Sauna Therapy makes it possible for people in wheelchairs, or those who have a disability that affects their ability to exercise to achieve a cardiovascular training effect. Regular use of a sauna may impart a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular use may be as effective, as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories, as regular exercise

Infrared Sauna Bath Pixel 02 Sauna Bath for Two People relaxation

Pixel 02: Portable Infrared Sauna Bath For Two People

A perfectly healthy person is recommended to use Pixel 02 Infrared Sauna at least 2-3 times a week for maximum therapeutic benefits. At the start, start with once or twice per week and for only 10 to 15 minutes maximum. As you increase your comfort level in the infrared sauna, you may increase the time and frequency of use.

Portable Infrared Sauna Bath Pixel 03 Sauna Bath for Three People relaxation

Pixel 03: Portable Infrared Luxury Sauna Bath For Three People

Pixel 03: Infrared therapy very gently increases blood flow by expanding the capillaries that carry blood. It also increases oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it for the improved functioning of all of the major organs in the body, which depend on blood for energy. This detoxification is on the deepest level, allowing hidden toxins in the blood and tissue to be dissolved or immobilized.

Designer Bathroom Portable Infrared Sauna Bath Pixel 04 Sauna Bath for Four People relaxation

Pixel 04: Portable Infrared Luxury Sauna Bath For Four People

An infrared sauna uses light to generate heat. It is also known as far-infrared sauna due to where the infrared waves fall on the light spectrum. A typical sauna warms the air, creating steam that warms your body. But an infrared sauna warms your body directly without affecting the air around you. However, the heat generated creates a similar result; both steam and infrared saunas will cause you to sweat profusely.